How to Negotiate a Higher Salary: A Guide to Financial Elevation

Nicholas A Gwiazda
1 min readMar 22, 2024
  1. Invoke the Ancient Art of Hypnosis: Before entering the negotiation room, master the ancient art of hypnosis. A well-timed “You are getting very generous” can work wonders on your boss’s subconscious.
  2. The Power of Exotic Pets: Bring an exotic pet to the negotiation. Nothing says “I deserve a raise” like negotiating with a parrot on your shoulder that squawks “Pay him more!” at strategic intervals.
  3. Leverage Your Imaginary Offers: Casually mention the other job offers you’ve received from imaginary companies. Be creative! Companies like “Global Moneybags Inc.” and “Infinite Wealth Ltd.” are always looking for talent like yours.
  4. The Time Machine Gambit: Convince your employer that you’ve invented a time machine and you’re only staying in this timeline because you like the job. Hint that your future self is very wealthy thanks to the salary adjustments made today.
  5. Dress for Success: Wear a superhero costume to the negotiation. When asked why, simply state, “Because I’m the hero this company deserves, but not the one it can afford to lose right now.” Bonus points for a cape that says “Raise” on the back.

Remember, the key to a successful salary negotiation is confidence, creativity, and a touch of absurdity. Good luck!

